    HomeEnvironmentLet’s Commit to Saving Workers from Heat, Not Killing Them

    Let’s Commit to Saving Workers from Heat, Not Killing Them

    Workers Memorial Day, on April 28, is a somber annual recognition of deaths, injuries, and illnesses that never should have happened. Despite U.S. health and safety laws, too many working people face daily threats to their earning potential, their health, and their lives. Many of these threats—like extreme heat—are worsening as the climate changes. But instead of stepping up to protect their hardworking constituents from heat, lawmakers in some states are leaping back.

    Just five states currently have specific, enforceable occupational heat safeguards, and there are no federal standards. Of the five states, only Oregon protects most of its indoor and outdoor workers all year round—although California may partially catch up later this year. (More on that below.)

    This leaves most U.S. workers at risk of potentially deadly heat-related symptoms. Unless, that is, they…

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