    HomeNatural Health & FitnessHealthy RecipesHow to Keep Minerals Balanced for Optimal Health -

    How to Keep Minerals Balanced for Optimal Health –

    Have you ever wondered exactly what are electrolytes or minerals, and how are they related (if at all!)?

    You’re not alone! I get questions all of the time regarding electrolytes and minerals and how to keep them balanced.

    You’ve likely heard the term “electrolytes” thrown around, especially when it comes to hydration. And you’ve probably heard of the importance of minerals, in particular the more commonly discussed minerals like calcium and magnesium.

    The truth is, electrolytes are important for so many things beyond keeping you hydrated. And there are so many more minerals beyond calcium and magnesium, many of which are equally important and have multi-faceted responsibilities.

    Let’s dive in!

    What is a mineral?

    A mineral is an inorganic, or nonliving, substance found in soil and water. Our bodies cannot naturally produce minerals, but we need many of them for survival….

    Read the full article originally published at

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