    HomeNatural Health & FitnessWhy ‘Only Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store’ is Bogus

    Why ‘Only Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store’ is Bogus

    Among other arbitrary food rules like “pick the option with less fat and less sugar” or “don’t buy foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce,” you may have heard to “only shop the perimeter of the grocery store.” In short, no buying foods or drinks in the aisles (aka, most of the grocery store), just the produce and dairy products against the walls.

    But while it’s a fairly popular piece of advice, it’s also one you may want to ignore. According to registered dietitians, the suggestion is just plain wrong for a variety of reasons, from health to ethics to pleasure, and more.

    Vital nutrients (and delicious tastes) you’ll miss out on if you only shop the perimeter of the grocery store

    Skipping or limiting purchases from the aisles means you’re neglecting many key nutrients and bursts of flavor. Let’s break down…

    Read the full article originally published at

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