    HomeNatural Health & FitnessWhy Heating Probiotic Foods Decreases Health Perks

    Why Heating Probiotic Foods Decreases Health Perks

    Does the mere thought of probiotic foods make your mouth pucker up in anticipatory delight? I know mine sure does. Kimchi, kraut, kombucha: You name it, I want it (as well as their gut-boosting and health-protective benefits, TYVM).

    However, a few things can stand in the way of maximizing the probiotic powers of certain foods, drinks, and supplements—particularly when and where stability is concerned. With that in mind, it turns out that dialing up the temperature isn’t so great for good or bad bacteria to thrive.

    To discover just how concerned we should be when it comes to heating probiotic foods, we reached out to Bianca Tamburello, RDN, a dietitian based in New York City.

    Does heating probiotic foods kill off good bacteria?

    Tamburello gets straight to the point on this question. “Yes, heating probiotic-rich foods kills off…

    Read the full article originally published at

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