    HomeNatural Health & FitnessSylvester Stallone accused of mocking 'ugly' actors on set and calling one...

    Sylvester Stallone accused of mocking ‘ugly’ actors on set and calling one a ‘tub of lard’

    In the world of Hollywood, where the glitz and glamour often mask the grittier aspects of the industry, controversies surrounding the treatment of cast and crew can emerge, casting long shadows over even the most stellar of careers. Recently, Sylvester Stallone, an iconic figure known for his roles in Rocky and Rambo, has found himself at the center of such a controversy. Allegations have surfaced accusing Stallone of derogatory behavior towards background actors on the set of his show, Tulsa King, painting a picture starkly at odds with the heroic personas he’s embodied on screen.

    The accusations, which have spread rapidly across social media and entertainment news outlets, include claims of Stallone labeling these extras as “ugly,” among other disparaging comments, leading to a casting agency’s departure from the production. While a director from the show has stepped forward…

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