    HomeEnvironmentEnvironmental Law & PolicyMaine Officials Signal Opinion on Clean Cars and Trucks Standards

    Maine Officials Signal Opinion on Clean Cars and Trucks Standards

    a row of grey/silver electric cars parked against a curb charging. You can only see the front of the car up to half the front tire.

    Maine needs both these standards to cut air and climate pollution. Photo: Shutterstock.

    The Problem 

    Fossil fuel-powered transportation is the largest source of climate-damaging emissions in Maine, hurting our health and the environment. If we want to slow the climate crisis and meet the state’s emissions targets, we must slash the pollution spewing from tailpipes in our cars, SUVs, vans, buses, trucks, and tractor-trailers. 

    Where Things Stand 

    For much of 2023, CLF and our partners have been urging Maine’s government to adopt two critical regulations that will cut air and climate pollution from our transportation sector by boosting electric vehicle sales. These are the clean cars and clean trucks standards. The two standards require that an increasing percentage of vehicles sold in the state be clean (electric or hybrid) each year. The goal is to bring more clean vehicles to…

    Read the full article originally published at

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    Conservation Law Foundation
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