    HomeEnvironmentClimate ChangeThe farm bill is a powerful opportunity for agricultural climate solutions

    The farm bill is a powerful opportunity for agricultural climate solutions

    U.S. farmers, ranchers and foresters will need additional tools and resources to protect their land, keep growing food on a changing planet and contribute to national efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That’s where the farm bill comes in.

    The farm bill is a critical piece of legislation that comes up every five years. It authorizes programs that provide producers with a safety net in tough times and supports them in adopting climate-friendly production practices.

    As Congress begins writing the next farm bill, new recommendations from the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance provide some of the most significant alignment on climate and agriculture policy priorities to date.

    In 2020, EDF joined with the agriculture community to form an alliance with the idea that if we worked together to truly understand each other’s needs, we might end up with commonsense reforms that will…

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    Environmental Defense Fund
    Environmental Defense Fund
    Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is a nonprofit environmental advocacy group that works on issues including global warming, ecosystem restoration, oceans, and human health, and advocates using sound science, economics and law to find environmental solutions that work.


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