    HomeEnvironmentScientists Identify Early Tremor Pattern That Could Help Predict Earthquakes

    Scientists Identify Early Tremor Pattern That Could Help Predict Earthquakes

    Cracks from an earthquake along Highway 178 from Ridgecrest to Trona in California on July 4, 2019. FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP via Getty Images

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    Earthquakes have historically been difficult to predict due to the lack of clear patterns and the fact that the moving and colliding of tectonic plates occurs over long periods. If they were able to be better predicted, many injuries and deaths could be avoided.

    Now, an international team led by scientists from the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) has successfully isolated a pattern of “foreshock” tremors in a lab, a press release from UT Austin said. Knowing what this group…

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