    HomeEnvironmentClimate ChangeClimate Vulnerability Index illuminates inequities

    Climate Vulnerability Index illuminates inequities

    When Cleophus Sharp was four years old, his parents rushed him to the hospital in Houston because he couldn’t catch his breath, no matter how much he tried. Sharp, who grew up in the historically Black neighborhood of Pleasantville in Houston, Texas, says he almost died because the air in his community was toxic. Sharp spent two weeks in an oxygen tent before returning home. 

    Through his organizing work, Sharp later learned air pollution in his neighborhood likely led to him developing asthma. Pleasantville is bisected by several large freeways, and near an international shipping nexus adjacent with frequent truck traffic. “Those industries that were polluting [were] only three miles from us,” Sharp said.

    Cordoned off by two major highways, saddled with industrial chemical manufacturing plants and recycling centers, and situated next to two…

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