    HomeGreen LivingGreen VehiclesBP’s Supercharger bailout, Trump’s Big Oil bet, big batteries in fuel-cell trucks:...

    BP’s Supercharger bailout, Trump’s Big Oil bet, big batteries in fuel-cell trucks: Today’s Car News

    Trump reportedly offers to scrap EV-friendly EPA emissions rules. BP seeks to rescue stranded Supercharger stations as Tesla’s charging plans fizzle. And does going with a very large battery pack but no charge port make sense in fuel-cell semis and even pickups? Toyota thinks so. This and more, here at Green Car Reports.

    Although big batteries and hydrogen fuel cells are often seen as two opposing ways to electrify trucks with no tailpipe emissions, Toyota is reworking the formula in its hydrogen fuel-cell semi to include both. With a supersized battery pack but no plug-in capability, Toyota makes more of the fuel-cell tech. Look for the same formula, potentially, in future pickups.

    Former President and current Presidential candidate Donald Trump reportedly tried to collect $1 billion in donations from top oil executives at Mar-a-Lago over the promise that Trump would scrap…

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