    HomeGreen LivingGreen VehiclesBest Lease-to-Own EV Deals and the '1-day lease'

    Best Lease-to-Own EV Deals and the ‘1-day lease’

    Looking to put a huge holiday ribbon on a new EV? There’s a widespread belief that buying a new car is always much cheaper than leasing it in the long run. However, we’ve found six EV lease deals that shatter that myth, with terms that pass the entire commercial clean vehicle Federal tax credit to the lessee and enable the lessee to eventually own the vehicle for thousands of dollars less than paying cash up front.

    As mentioned last month, some folks are using the “1-day lease” to take advantage of these deals by buying out their lease almost immediately. This enables the federal tax credit to be applied without stipulations on foreign made vehicles with foreign made batteries or owner tax bracket considerations. Ask about this at your local dealer.

    However, do the math to make sure that an early payoff is…

    Read the full article originally published at

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