    HomeNatural Health & FitnessHealthy Recipes12 Holistic Tips for Healthy Skin

    12 Holistic Tips for Healthy Skin

    There are so many steps you can take to have healthy, glowing skin. And, the great news is so much of it doesn’t actually involve fancy products or procedures! Let’s dive into my top tips for skin health. 

    12 holistic tips for healthy skin

    Skin Health 101

    The skin is the body’s largest organ is and is made of water, protein, fats and minerals. 

    There are three layers of tissue that make up the skin which are the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. 

    The epidermis is the top layer and continually makes new skin cells. You actually have new skin every 30 days.

    The dermis is the middle layer has collagen and elastin which makes the skin strong and flexible. This layer also makes oil to keep your skin smooth and soft, it produces sweat, supplies blood, etc. 

    The bottom layer is the hypodermic which is the fatty layer. It has connective tissue, contains fat to cushion your muscles and bones, helps regulate body…

    Read the full article originally published at

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