Home Natural Health & Fitness Plant-Based Diet When Is the Best Time to Drink Coffee?

When Is the Best Time to Drink Coffee?


Coffee is one of the most popular morning drinks in the world. In fact, in the US alone, approximately 517 million cups of coffee are drunk every single day. Boston Tea Party aside, there are many reasons why Americans love coffee. The biggest reason, of course, is the stimulating effect of caffeine on the body, but coffee is also associated with socializing and productivity. Coffee shops, for example, serve as social hubs, and they’re also places for business meetings, studying, and relaxing. 

Most people opt for their first coffee fix first thing in the morning, which isn’t surprising since caffeine helps make you feel more alert and ready for the day. But is this really the best time to down a cup of Joe? We spoke to Kiran Campbell, RDN of Kiran Campbell Nutrition to get the lowdown on the best time to drink coffee.

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Read the full article originally published at vegnews.com.



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