Home Natural Health & Fitness The Moon Is Drifting Away From Earth and It’s Having a Major...

The Moon Is Drifting Away From Earth and It’s Having a Major Impact on Time

When we think we know everything about our planet, something new often comes to light, altering our understanding. One such revelation is the Moon’s gradual drift away from Earth, a phenomenon that might seem insignificant but actually has profound effects on time. Contrary to the common belief that the Earth’s only natural satellite remains at a constant distance, recent scientific discoveries have unveiled an ever-weakening gravitational connection between Earth and the Moon.
This gradual separation is causing the Earth to spin slower, resulting in longer days. While it might sound like a minor change, the implications are significant. The lengthening of days on Earth has profound effects on our planet’s climate, biological cycles, and even our daily lives. Understanding the science behind this drift and its historical context helps us grasp the broader impacts of this cosmic…

Read full article originally published on www.healthy-holistic-living.com



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