    HomeEnvironmentThe (Legal) Way Congress Can Undo Federal Rules that Protect Us

    The (Legal) Way Congress Can Undo Federal Rules that Protect Us

    We are seeing a lot of federal agency rules being finalized under the Biden administration regarding climate, clean energy, public health, and transportation. Rules based on science are important to ensure agencies are working to protect our environment and promote human health. However, once a rule is finalized, there is a congressional tool called the Congressional Review Act (CRA) that allows Congress to override the rule. The CRA provides specific shortcuts that can reverse a rule and make it difficult for agencies to issue new protections, even if the rule is based on science and critical to the protection of public health and the environment. This post provides an overview of how the CRA can affect those rules that protect our environment and health. 

    What is the Congressional Review Act (CRA)? 

    The CRA requires federal agencies to report on the issuance of rules…

    Read the full article originally published at

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