    HomeEnvironmentStrengthening Our Democracy: Science-Based Recommendations to Improve Election Data Transparency 

    Strengthening Our Democracy: Science-Based Recommendations to Improve Election Data Transparency 

    No democracy is perfect, but experts are increasingly worried that the United States is actively backsliding. Long-standing inequities in access to the polls are being exacerbated by restrictive voting laws, disinformation, and efforts to intimidate voters and election administrators away from the process. We need to build a healthier, more equitable democracy, and the first step is improving election data transparency.  

    Good data is fundamental to the effort to build a healthier democracy. It’s how we know what’s working and what isn’t in our electoral process—we can’t identify problems and craft effective solutions unless we have good evidence. And election data belongs to the public—every voter deserves to know their vote will be counted. Clear, transparent election data will help build public trust, counter disinformation, encourage participation, and help…

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    Union of Concerned Scientists
    Union of Concerned Scientists
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