Home Environment Nearly a Third More Insects Come Out After Dark, Study Finds

Nearly a Third More Insects Come Out After Dark, Study Finds


While evening and nighttime hours are generally known as a time of rest and sleep for humans and many animals, a great number of insects actually become more active after dark.

A new global study has found that insect activity increases by an average of 31.4 percent at night.

In their research, scientists from The University of Western Australia (UWA) looked at 99 studies comparing insect activity during the day and at night, published between 1959 and 2022, reported The Conversation. They found that, while an average of nearly a third more insects came out after dark, the numbers varied greatly depending upon location.

“There are many reasons for this. In some cases, it relates to the availability or enrichment of resources, such as flowers that bloom during specific times. In other cases, it involves avoiding competition or predation. For instance, many caterpillars of moth and…

Read the full article originally published at www.ecowatch.com.



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