    HomeTechnologyGreenTechMy Night As A Climate Refugee Sucked

    My Night As A Climate Refugee Sucked

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    What I thought would be my last day on the road turned out to go nothing like I planned. Not only did I have some problems with my EV glamping trailer (you can learn all about that here), which needed a repair before I could go on, but then the road I was planning on taking was closed and all of the hotels in the region got booked out solid. The cause? A climate-exacerbated fire that made a whole town in New Mexico evacuate.

    Delays Kept Me East Of The Mountains

    As we packed the car and trailer after a night in a hotel in a town that was too hot for camping, I noticed pretty quickly that I had made a very stupid mistake: leaving my inverter under the hood on.

    The car’s main battery had plenty of charge, but the 12V battery was too depleted to close the contactors and get the Bolt on the…

    Read the full article originally published at

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