    HomeTechnologyGreenTechLevers To Reduce Cement's Use, Along With China's Slowing Demand, Are A...

    Levers To Reduce Cement’s Use, Along With China’s Slowing Demand, Are A Good News Story

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    Cement has reared its gray and flaking head into my attention again recently. The global use of about 4.1 billion tons of the stuff to make perhaps 40 billion tons of concrete is responsible for around 10% of all carbon dioxide emissions globally. It’s one of the few industrial products that competes with fossil fuels for sheer, absurd scale, and of course it’s one of the biggest consumers of fossil fuels as well.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just avoid using so much of it?

    Thankfully, the answer to that question is yes. There are three major levers being pulled by forward thinking jurisdictions and construction organizations, and there’s a bonus lever that forward projections of cements growth seem to fail to account for. (Yes, I sense a decade by decade cement demand, supply,…

    Read the full article originally published at

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