Home Environment Climate Change It’s Time to Talk about Climate Anxiety

It’s Time to Talk about Climate Anxiety


As the climate crisis intensifies, many of us are feeling overwhelmed by just how much is at stake. And it’s hard not to feel climate anxiety when faced with our reality: raging storms, extreme heat, water shortages, phones buzzing with air quality alerts. 

Young people are rightfully stressed about the slow pace of climate action, aware that their generation is paying the price for the degraded planet they’ve inherited. We know the consequences will only snowball if global leaders don’t make good on the promises to limit global warming set out in the Paris Agreement

And anyone who has survived a climate-fueled disaster—lost their job, home, or friends and family members—is likely struggling with serious mental health challenges.

NRDC senior environmental health advocate Juanita Constible, who focuses on climate adaptation, notes that even as we continue to fight…

Read full article originally published on www.nrdc.org



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