    HomeEnvironmentHow tiny pieces of evidence can reveal giant stories about our world...

    How tiny pieces of evidence can reveal giant stories about our world — and ways to make it better – Grist

    The vision

    “Denying climate change is tantamount to saying you don’t believe in gravity.”

    — Christina Figueres, climate advocate and diplomat,
    in her 2020 book
    The Future We Choose

    The spotlight

    How do we know that the climate is changing — and that humans are causing it? To a certain extent, we can see and feel it ourselves. New temperature and weather extremes are undeniable, and affect more and more places every year. And the greenhouse effect (the mechanism by which carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere) is taught in many basic science classes. But when asked how they know that “climate change is real,” some people will respond simply that 99.9 percent of scientists agree that it is.

    “For me, intellectually, that always felt like a little bit of a cop-out,” said Jesse Nichols, a video producer at Grist. Sure,…

    Read full article originally published on

    A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.


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