    HomeNatural Health & FitnessFoods for Longevity That Support Physical and Cognitive Health

    Foods for Longevity That Support Physical and Cognitive Health

    For the majority of our existence on Earth, humans have sought to live forever—looking for immortality through art, achievements, or quests for life-giving objects like golden apples or the Holy Grail. While a real-life fountain of youth that instantly reverses the aging process doesn’t exist (at least not yet), longevity expert Maddy Dychtwald argues that the secret to adding years to your life doesn’t lie in any mythical spells. On the contrary, she says one way to boost longevity is by making a few simple adjustments to what you’re regularly eating.

    As a “futurist” and the co-founder of Age Wave, a consulting company focused on aging adults, Dychtwald has made it her life’s mission to understand how people can live longer, healthier lives. In her new book, AGELESS AGING: A Woman’s Guide to Increasing Healthspan, Brainspan, and…

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