    HomeGreen LivingGreen VehiclesFerrari, with first EV coming in 2025, warns rivals over Chinese EVs

    Ferrari, with first EV coming in 2025, warns rivals over Chinese EVs

    Although its first fully electric supercar is not due out until next year, Ferrari is warning rivals about incoming Chinese EVs. Ferrari’s boss claims new competition from China should be a “call to action” for EU automakers.

    Ferrari warns rivals with Chinese EVs surging

    “For me, this is a call to action for Europe,” Benedetto Vigna, Ferrari’s CEO, said in an interview with BloombergTV.

    The warning comes as tensions between China and Europe escalate ahead of the EU deadline to announce the results of Beijing’s EV subsidies. “People are defining it as a war but for me it’s a nice competition,” Vigna said.

    In the wake of the trade dispute, China is threatening to retaliate with tariffs on imports. China is ready to introduce duties as high as 25% on vehicle imports with bigger engines.

    These measures could severely impact luxury…

    Read the full article originally published at

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