    HomeGreen LivingGreen VehiclesElon Musk's latest show of support comes from executive amidst pay vote

    Elon Musk’s latest show of support comes from executive amidst pay vote

    Tesla’s Director of the Autopilot program has penned an article in support of ratifying Elon Musk’s 2018 compensation plan, ahead of the company’s annual shareholder’s meeting this week.

    Ashok Elluswamy, Tesla’s Director of Autopilot Software, has written an article on X calling Musk the “key driver of AI and autonomy at Tesla.” Elluswamy looks back at earlier days at Tesla, pointing to how Musk pushed the company to its current spot, with a particular focus on moving away from sensors and toward camera-based hardware.

    “He was the one who bet on vision and AI to solve autonomy instead of relying on sensor crutches and high-definition maps,” wrote Elluswamy in the article. “For anyone who has experienced the latest versions of FSD, it might be obvious that it can see all the important things…

    Read the full article originally published at

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