    HomeGreen LivingGreen VehiclesElon Musk's compensation package case will haunt Tesla for years

    Elon Musk’s compensation package case will haunt Tesla for years

    I believe that Elon Musk’s compensation package will haunt Tesla for years as lawsuits are already piling up.

    Everyone is pointing fingers at who they think is responsible for this situation. Here’s my take.

    We are less than two weeks away from Tesla’s annual shareholders meeting during which we will know the results of the shareholder vote on Musk’s compensation package and incorporation move to Texas.

    Many shareholders falsely believe that the issue will end there.

    Shareholders will vote either for or against these two proposals. The truth is that not much will change after June 13th.

    If shareholders vote yes again on the package, at best, it will be used as evidence that shareholders still support the deal for the appeal process in the case, which is still months away.

    As for the incorporation move to Texas, many shareholders believe that…

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