Home Environment Sustainable Agriculture Digging into the House Farm Bill: Part 3

Digging into the House Farm Bill: Part 3



Photo credit: USDA

Editor’s Note: This is the third post in a multi-part blog series analyzing the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (FFNSA), which was reported out of the House Committee on Agriculture on Friday, May 24. The first post details an overview of the markup process and the bill as a whole, as well as its likely (or unlikely) path to becoming law. The second post explores the FFNSA’s impacts on local and regional food systems. This post provides a deep-dive analysis of the bill’s potential impacts on the farm safety net, farmers’ ability to access land and capital, fair competition, and treatment of food workers. The final post in the series will focus on climate resilience through the lens of how conservation, research, and organic programs fare under the FFNSA.

The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (FFNSA) fails to meet the…

Read the full article originally published at sustainableagriculture.net.



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